
An Overview of Modern Windows Malware Analysis: Where we are and where we are going.

Speaker: Simone Aonzo

Affiliation: EURECOM, Sophie Antipolis, France

Date: Wednesday, March 9th, 2022

Malicious software has constantly been growing and evolving, from a small research experiment in 1971 to an essential component of modern military arsenals.
Today, malware analysis is a term used in the literature to describe a broad field of work that spans multiple goals. In this talk, after providing the necessary background, I present the many facets of this line of research that unfold under the malware "umbrella." Finally, by referencing some of our works on Windows malware, I show the hidden challenges I have faced as a researcher, hoping that my solutions will help our community not repeat some mistakes.

Simone Aonzo is a research engineer at Eurecom (France). He received a Ph.D. degree in computer science and systems engineering from the University of Genoa (Italy) in 2020 with the thesis “Novel Attacks and Defenses in the Userland of Android.” His research interests are system security and privacy. In particular, the areas of malware analysis (Windows and Android), reverse engineering, and mobile security.

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